Wen® Cleansing Conditioner Review

After both reading their web site as well as watching their various TV ad spots, I was curious about the new Wen Cleansing Conditioner. Mainly because this one product claims to be not only used as your shampoo, but also as a detangler, conditioner and even as leave in conditioner.

It’s made to retain your hair’s natural oils, as it actually cleans your hair without any suds or lathering at all.  That’s right, it’s both detergent and sulfate free. So the big questions are: Does it work? And does it really live up to all of the hype?

Wen Cleansing Conditioner

The first time I used it I just thought it seemed strange, washing your hair without any bubbles or suds of any kind. The thought kept going through my head “Am I really washing my hair?” and “Is this doing anything at all?”. Although it didn’t really feel like I was doing anything, my hair was actually left both looking and feeling clean.

Also, the rule of most shampoos that a dime or quarter size bit of shampoo in your hand is enough to wash your hair well, doesn’t apply here. Because it doesn’t foam or lather, you’ll need to use a bit more of it when you’re washing your hair.

Despite the fact that there weren’t any bubbles, my hair was clean, conditioned and quite soft. And once I had used it for a week or so, my hair was much less frizzy and a lot softer then it normally is.  I also noticed that my hair was more bright and shiny, and easier to style as well.

However, by the end of week two of using the Wen Cleansing Conditioner, my hair started to feel more greasy and somewhat dry. So, I used my regular shampoo for a couple of days and then returned to using Wen, upon doing so my hair became great again using only the Wen product for another two weeks.

So would I continue using it? Short answer, Yes, and I have ever since the test. But I wouldn’t have it as my only shampoo. I use it for around two weeks with great results, and whenever my hair isn’t looking or feeling as healthy I revert back to my old shampoo for a couple of days.